132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy

A deep dive into the murky waters of Mormon Polygamy


  • From Dream Vacation to Reality Check: Seeking Divine Guidance Amidst Chaos

    Tomorrow’s episode feels very important to me. I had other plans for what to release this week, and other episodes that I had been working hard on,  but this episode emerged and would not leave me alone until I finished it. I ended up working on it day and night (barely taking time to sleep)…

  • Breaking the Chains of Historical Stagnation: Challenging the Outdated Consensus

    I’ve been speaking to various historians about the problem with “historical consensus” and accepting it as settled truth. That is what we keep bumping up against in this debate. The historical consensus is that Joseph was a polygamist, so nobody needs to actually do the work to be able to defend or even discuss that…

  • Can you believe this passes for history?

    Far be it for me to speak ill of the dead (that seems to be the job of historians, at least when it comes to Joseph Smith) but I have to again say how often I am truly astonished at what appears to me to be incredibly shoddy work of highly respected historians. D. Michael…

  • Corrections & Clarifications on Episode 104

    -By Lindsey Boyce Lewis In Episode 104: Clayton’s Dirty Deeds, we need to correct a few things. At around thirty minutes in, Michelle discusses how Emma’s Deed from July 12, 1843 compares to deeds from after Joseph’s death where Emma sells property to others. She has been working SO hard on these deeds and it…

  • Dirty Deeds

    These deeds episodes are MONSTERS! Honestly, they are kicking my backside, and my brain wants to just melt at this point… Day after day I have been led to new things, and made new connections, and found rabbit hole after rabbit hole to go down. It is incredible and exhausting. The other day while driving…

  • My Questions For Polygamy Supporters

    My musings this morning while recovering from minor surgery. (This is by no means comprehensive, but it is a good start.) I welcome my polygamy supporting friends to sincerely consider and answer these questions. And I would be happy to consider any questions you would like to propose. I welcome my like-minded friends to contribute…