These deeds episodes are MONSTERS! Honestly, they are kicking my backside, and my brain wants to just melt at this point…

Day after day I have been led to new things, and made new connections, and found rabbit hole after rabbit hole to go down. It is incredible and exhausting.

The other day while driving I was praying and, maybe even a little more fervently than usual, begging the Lord to help me find what I need to and be able to get these done.

The answer came quickly and powerfully and actually made me burst out laughing,

“What do you think I am doing?!”

Ha! I immediately saw how much help I have been receiving with all of this — even though it is still REALLY HARD. My prayers since then have been doubly filled with gratitude for the help I am receiving, and ongoing pleas for even more help LOL

If at all possible, Deeds part 2 will be this Sunday…