Tomorrow’s episode feels very important to me. I had other plans for what to release this week, and other episodes that I had been working hard on,  but this episode emerged and would not leave me alone until I finished it. I ended up working on it day and night (barely taking time to sleep) until I recorded it Wednesday night. I hope it will have a lot of impact.

Taiwan Earthquake Destruction

As I discuss in the video, I had just gotten back in town from a very uncharacteristic dream vacation that fell miraculously into my lap. I was able to accompany my husband to Asia on a business trip for his employer. I included some of my experiences in Taiwan in the video. So, you can imagine my amazement when I finished recording and checked my phone and saw that my husband had texted to tell me there had just been a 7.4 earthquake in Taiwan – where we had just been.

Taiwan Earthquake Destruction

It was a surreal feeling, and difficult to describe. It had already been a bit of a challenge for me to leave my family to go so far away. I don’t do well in airports (I HATE being smacked in the face by our dramatic loss of freedoms and what feels to me like the intentional training our society is undergoing to accept the humiliations of totalitarianism,  yeah, I have issues LOL.) And more than that, I am not accustomed to leaving my children for that long, and being unavailable if anything happens. I had spent time in prayer asking the Lord to confirm that everything would be okay while we were gone and that we should go, and I had felt peaceful and positive confirmation that we definitely should go. So then, to learn that if our trip had been only a day or two later, we could have had a very, very different experience was a bit overwhelming.

Taiwan Earthquake Destruction

I immediately thought about our darling tour guide and the other people we had met there – hoping they were all physically okay. I also hoped that they would not suffer too much from the loss of more employment (she had told us how hard it had been for so many of them to try to recover at all after the shut downs). This felt like another hard blow. And at the same time, I could not help but be SO THANKFUL that I was home with my family, and not trapped in a natural disaster on the other side of the world. I remembered how I had prayed and felt so inclined that I should go, and I could not help but again feel the Lord teaching me profoundly to always seek and trust divine guidance and inspiration.

Taiwan Earthquake Destruction

After recording I spent a few days catching up on things I had missed. I listened to Jordan Peterson’s discussion with Bret Weinstein about the Darian Gap which was yet another confirmation of what I have believed for the last four years – that we are already deep into WW3, and getting our clocks cleaned, just nobody knows it because this is the new form of warfare where the traps are all silently set before we even realize it. The horrors of the armies that are being smuggled into our country again sent me to my knees pleading with the Lord to know what we should do to try to prepare. As I have done so many times before, I started to plead to know if there was somewhere we could go where we could be safe. But before I could even begin, it was quickly made known to me that that would be the wrong question. The Lord taught me that instead I should pray for spiritual power to be able to be used to help and bless those around me. I prayed for the power to be able to ask for spiritual protection around my home, and neighborhood, and over all of us who are humbly seeking to repent and serve God. I prayed to be prepared as much as possible to be able to serve God and my fellow men in whatever lies ahead. It was such a beautiful and empowering answer that replaced all of my fear with faith, hope, gratitude, power, joy and love.

That is my hope for each of us. I hope this message will resonate with many, and be shared and heard as broadly as possible. I hope that more and more people will continue to awaken to the awful situation we are in on so many fronts. I pray that we will be willing to humbly and sincerely repent of all of the sins, falsehoods, idols, easy paths and everything else we have followed and accepted that have brought us to this precarious place. I pray that we will submissively, meekly, humbly, patiently, and with hearts filled with charity, trust, and gratitude, and joy, be willing to submit to all that the things which the Lord sees fit to inflict upon us, knowing that all things will give us experience and will work together for our good if we are willing to truly love God and be willing to be called according to God’s purpose.

This is a time of such HOPE! God’s hand is over each of us – profoundly. I can’t wait to see what happens next!