132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy

A deep dive into the murky waters of Mormon Polygamy

Your Feedback


Michelle, I wanted to thank you so very much for all you’ve done to bring the truth out in the open. I only became aware of you about 3 weeks ago and I have been deeply affected by all this information. I’ve not caught up yet with all your episodes, but have watched a lot as well as Gwendolyn Wyne. I have been in tears, angry, depressed, emotions all over the place.

But my faith is in the Lord and my eternal life is in His hands whatever it might be. I just know I must repent of this evil the best I can. This has led me to question many things and my searching for truth will continue. I just wanted you to know how very much I appreciate all you have done and continue to do to help those of us seeking truth, to find answers. I too will remain in the church to hopefully help others find the truth and bring this to light, however the Lord will direct me to be used. May the Lord continue to bless you with courage, strength, and His love.


I believe Joseph, Emma and Hyrum—and very inspired your work and insights.


I am trying to digest as much as I can to fully understand what’s all going on. But… even from only a little in the few episodes I’ve seen- Just Thank You!!! From the very heartbroken, and still confused but searching for real truth depths of my soul. I love truth, I love the TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ, and am so grateful for what you have taken the time to study and share. I feel like for the first time in my life I can truly get to know and love who my Heavenly Father is. What a joy and gift that is for me!!!!!!!! Thank you❤


Thank you for all the work that you are doing!! It has blessed my life so much!


I have SO much to comment on or share in utter gratitude for what you’re doing here! Perhaps I’ll write again with more detail, but I just wanted to let you know that in the last two weeks that I’ve known about you, I have been binge listening to all the episodes in order. In these two weeks I have had more gospel insights, personal revelation, desire to read the scriptures, and to be a true disciple than I have had in a long time (maybe ever). Thank you for clearing up so much confusion that I didn’t even know I had! What you are sharing has been so powerful and important to me, and I’m so glad to see the number of YouTube subscribers growing so quickly! Thank you thank you for taking the time and effort to share your journey. I really appreciate all the links and research you share! You are wonderful 🙂


My wife and I have decided that Joseph was not a polygamist, mostly due to your channel. Thank you!


While I disagree on Jacob 2.30 and presumably other conclusions of yours, it is apparent that you study hard and think deeply. Best wishes to you and your family.


Hi Michelle, I want to thank you for all your hard work and presentations and specifically the anniversary episode where you proved using scriptures that God doesn’t approve of polygamy. It’s been difficult for me to accept that and I think I finally agreed with that conclusion thanks to your proofs.

But anyway it’s very hard to get past the beliefs I had about plural marriage and I still am not convinced that Joseph Smith is innocent of living it but I’m watching your presentations along with others because I want to know the truth and I hope you’ll be able to convince me of his innocence. My husband does agree with you about Joseph Smith but I think there’s way too much evidence that he did live it, although I do think he may have regretted it and tried to undo the damage before he was killed.
But I do thank you so much because all these years I’ve believed the teachings of Brigham Young and now I believe that you’re right about polygamy not being required by God. Keep up the good work!!!


Hello! I am LOVING the 132 Problems show. Thank you so much for all the work and time that goes into it!