Tag: flds
69: Ongoing Abuses of Polygamy with Tonia Tewell | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: Sincere gratitude to Tonia Tewell for coming to talk to me and for the incredible work she is doing. This...
68: The Fruits of Polygamy with Flora Jessop | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: We tend to think of polygamy as an uncomfortable relic of our past, but for far too many people, it...
39: The Law of Sarah | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: Likely the most obscure, mysterious, and least known “laws” of the restored gospel, the Law of Sarah (D&C 132:65) features...
27: Was Jesus a Polygamist? | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: If polygamy is of God, and is the higher law, necessary for exaltation, then it follows that Jesus, of course,...
24: Bathsheba — David’s Polygamy: Part 3 | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: An in depth look at the story of David and Bathsheba. We learn why she was bathing on the roof...
21: Fatherhood, Polygamy, and the Grace of God | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: What is the impact of polygamy on children? In the past decades the critical role of fathers and the destructive...
8: Isaiah 4:1 – 7 Women Take Hold of 1 Man | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: Isaiah prophesied that “seven women will take hold of one man.” What does that mean? Is it proof that polygamy...