Tag: contradictions
9: Isaac’s Polygamy? | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: Section 132 claims that Isaac was a polygamist. We’ll investigate that claim and try to understand where it might have...
5: Doctrine & Covenants Teachings on Marriage | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: We look at the totality of teachings on marriage in the revelations of the restoration and learn the history of...
4: Book of Mormon Evidence of Polygamy | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: What does the Book of Mormon have to say about marriage and polygamy? (It might just be more than you...
3: God’s Establishment of Marriage | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: We’re diving into God’s establishment of marriage in Genesis, Moses, and Abraham. Where did marriage come from? What did God...
1: Introductions | 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy
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Please consider supporting this podcast: The first episode in the 132 Problems podcast. I introduce myself and the podcast and explain my journey with polygamy....