Meghan is joined by Michelle Stone of the YouTube Channel 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy in this two-part discussion. Topics in this part include:

– Identifying False Beliefs and Traditions
– Scriptural Teachings on Polygamy
– Asking the Lord to Tell You the Truth
– Healing the Pain and Iniquity of our Ancestors
– Who or What are you Converted To?

Michelle Brady Stone was raised in a happy Mormon family in Salt Lake City. Her father was the Bishop and her mother wrote children’s music like, “I Lived in Heaven,” “When I Grow Up I Want to be a Mother” and “I’m a Mormon.” She attended BYU on full scholarship where she had to make the painful choice between the basketball court and the stage. She majored in Music, Dance, Theater, but always hated that she couldn’t also major in English, Physics and Psychology. She and her husband, Shane, are the parents of 13 children (11 living), (Yes, all ours. No, not a blended family. Yes, one set of twins), and are many years into raising their own happy Mormon-ish family.

In addition to her family, her Youtube channel, 132 Problems: Revisiting Mormon Polygamy , takes most of her time. Michelle spends any leftover time in her garden, and, on occasion, sleeping.

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