Polygamy is an incredibly divisive topic in a world already full of division and huge ideological disagreements which threaten the very fabric of our society. What can we do to help? What are the “rules of engagement”? How can we seek unity and love, even in disagreement? How can we engage in ways that move things forward rather than making things even worse, and why does it even matter?
I have been personally been put through the ringer lately, and it takes an enormous toll. I do NOT want us to treat people who disagree with us anything like the way many who disagree with us treat us (and me in particular.) There will continue to be division, but I desperately hope that all of us in this camp on this issue can set the standard for kind, wise, useful, productive engagement.
This conversation goes deep, to the very foundations of our society, to help us understand how and why our conversations matter. Please join us.