A lot has happened since our last call-in show! Let’s meet and discuss all that has been going on. From constant attacks by crazy (alleged former) cult leaders, to interviews with actual polygamists and our accelerating efforts to poke holes in the Brian Hales polygamy narrative, there is a lot to talk about!

Chapter Index:

0:00 Intro
1:10 Joseph’s journal entry
7:10 Jacob 2 & Malachi 2
10:20 Jeff – Brigham Young and D&C 126
18:30 Inconsistencies in the D&C
19:35 Joseph – Comment about Section 132
21:20 Tim – D&C sections added later
21:50 Dixie – Jesus chose Judas
24:30 Mason – Wasn’t God aware of Brigham’s polygamy?
24:50 Rayetta – Why did Mary Fielding Smith follow Brigham?
32:05 Camry – David Alexander videos
39:00 Lauren – Michelle’s example of non-defensiveness
41:45 Lauren – Jesus, SLC Temple, and Tartaria?
46:30 Ross – Sealing keys and Joseph Smith
51:40 Ross – Polygamy in ancient times
58:55 Benjamin – Word of Wisdom and Brigham Young
1:05:20 Mack – Is Brigham in heaven with his many wives?
1:11:50 Kwaku – writing analysis of Section 132
1:13:50 Kwaku – Freemasonry; 132 & the god of many wives & concubines
1:19:40 Chrissy – Did Joseph pass the keys to the Twelve before he died?
1:21:55 Emma – Engaging with other Christians
1:23:10 Hank – Chief Midegah
1:25:00 Andrew – Joseph Kingsbury’s journal
1:34:20 Leslie – Wendy Nelson; polygamy in the next life; trust in the Lord
1:40:15 Alexander – Willard Richards, “the great event of 1844”
1:42:00 Tiani – Matthew Bowman’s opinion piece in the Salt Lake Tribune
1:45:30 Tim – William Clayton journals
1:46:50 God’s blessings; Michelle’s speaking experience