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Brains science meets polygamy! Learning how monogamous marriage effects hormones (as opposed to polygamist marriage) is amazing! And it explains so much about our early LDS leaders. Brains science is yet another strong testimony of the truth of God.
Testosterone vs Oxytocin: https: //
Marriage Lowers Testosterone:
Marriage Lowers Testosterone:
Testosterone Variation Among Kenyan Swahili Men:
Testosterone and Social Status:,end%20up%20lowering%20instead%20of%20raising%20your%20status.
Testosterone and Oxytocin:
Heber C. Kimball quote 1: Journal of Discourses Volume 4, Page 209
Heber C. Kimball quote 2: Journal of Discourses Volume 5, Page 28-29
Heber C. Kimball quote 3: The Twenty Seventh Wife, Irving Wallace, p. 101
Heber C. Kimball quote 4: Apostle Heber C. Kimball, The Lion of the Lord, New York, 1969, pp.129-30
Heber C. Kimball quote 1: Journal of Discourses Volume 6, Page 256
Brigham Young quote 1: Journal of Discourses Volume 17, Pages 159-160
Brigham Young quote 1: Journal of Discourses Volume 5, Pages 210