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We have been raised on this claim as a central tenet of our church culture. Where did it come from? How should we understand it? What does it mean for us today?
Official Declaration 1 Original Speech, Monday, October 6, 1890, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reported in Deseret Evening News, October 11, 1890, p. 2
Brigham Young, January 12, 1862, Journal of Discourses, Volume 9, page 150
Brigham Young, Deseret News, June 8, 1873
Brigham Young, August 29, 1852, Journal of Discourses Volume 6, Page 282
Brigham Young, August 1, 1852, Journal of Discourses Volume 1, Page 361
Brigham Young, June 18, 1855, Journal of Discourses Volume 11, Page 128
Heber C. Kimball, October 12, 1856, Journal of Discourses Volume 5, Page 203
Brigham Young, July 6, 1862, Journal of Discourses Volume 9, Page 322
Brigham Young, August 19, 1866, Journal of Discourses Volume 11, Pages 268-269
Brigham Young, August 31, 1873, Journal of Discourses Volume 16, Pages 166-167
John Taylor, April 7, 1866, Journal of Discourses Volume 11, Pages 221-224
Wilford Woodruff, December 12, 1869, Journal of Discourses Volume 13, Page 166
Orson Pratt, October 7, 1874, Journal of Discourses Volume 17, Page 224
John Taylor, August 20th, 1882, Journal of Discourses Volume 23, Pages 240-241
Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, 1966, p. 578