Whitney, Jeremy, and Michelle’s next panel discussion, on Joseph’s “carefully worded denials.” What exactly did Joseph Smith say about polygamy and the accusations against him? Does calling them “carefully worded denials” or “dodging” sufficiently explain Joseph’s continual and consistent statements opposing polygamy? Does the explanation of the apologists stand up to scrutiny?

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Larry King interview with President Gordon B. Hinckley:

Gospel Teachings about Lying, by Dallin H. Oaks

Ep. 117: William Henry Harrison Sagers: More Historical Malpractice

Chapter Index
0:00 Intro
1:30 Recap: No reasons given for polygamy?
9:40 Can prophets repent?
13:25 Modern Korihors?
19:15 Prophets should have answers – Amos 3:7
20:40 Pres. Hinckley condemns polygamy as a practice (link in description)
22:30 Church losing members because of polygamy teachings
25:00 Joseph & his “wives” had sexless marriages??
28:55 Brian Hales’ statements about Joseph’s denials
29:25 “Lying for the Lord”
34:05 Dallin H. Oaks – gospel teachings on lying (link in description)
43:55 Denying Joseph’s denials
47:55 “Spiritual wifery”
54:25 “Celestial plural marriage” & the doctrine of many wives & concubines
1:15:25 Joseph brings charges against Harrison Sagers (ep. link in description)
1:28:00 Joseph’s fight against polygamy
1:37:40 The Voice of Innocence
1:42:05 Outro